Kia was a 40-year-old single mother to her 10-year-old son. Imagine her surprise when she found out she was pregnant. An unexpected pregnancy can be a bitter pill to swallow for any woman. Still, for women who are older and more settled into their life, the shock of an unplanned pregnancy comes with a significant impact. Kia felt completely alone, and she didn’t want to tell anyone her news because she was embarrassed.





Alone and Embarrassed 

“I didn’t know what to do,” Kia shared. “So, I went to Planned Parenthood and got my pregnancy test. I found out it was positive and made an abortion appointment.”


Then, Kia found herself researching her options online. That’s when she found out that A Woman’s Place Medical Clinic offers free sonograms.


“I went to A Woman’s Place, and the sonographer showed me the pictures. I was very emotional. I knew when I saw that little, little thing—I couldn’t get an abortion. I needed to keep the baby. Not just for myself, but for my older son.”


Kia made her choice that day. Our clinic walked with her through her pregnancy and all of the decisions she had to make for her future. 



Unexpected Pregnancy at Any Age


Many women in their 40’s, like Kia, aren’t trying to conceive. Some believe they’re too old to get pregnant and don’t need to use birth control. Then, because their periods are often irregular as they move into perimenopause, they may go several months before even realizing they are pregnant.


For years, women learned that having a baby after the age of 35 comes with increased risks. These risks add to the feelings of fear, shame, and embarrassment when they discover they are expecting. The truth is, many women are having healthy babies in their 40s. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites the number of women giving birth into their 40s and beyond is on the rise.


At A Woman’s Place Medical Clinic, we understand the dynamics that accompany an unplanned pregnancy at any age. If you would like to meet with someone who understands your situation and will offer you accurate information about abortion, parenting, and adoption in a confidential environment, we’re here for you.


“When I saw my baby boy, I knew I made the right choice for him. I call him my angel,” Kia reflects as she holds back her tears. “Looking back, if I hadn’t found A Women’s Place, I probably would have made a different choice and wouldn’t have this beautiful baby boy.”


We are ready to listen to your unique and personal concerns and address any issues that you would like to discuss. 


You are not alone. Schedule your confidential appointment with us today.