While face masks and social distancing are part of our everyday life right now, many women are concerned about what COVID-19 means for their relationships, sexual health, or pregnancy. We’re breaking down some of the most asked questions our clients have, so you can be more proactive and empowered in making decisions.
Can I get COVID-19 from kissing my partner?
Kissing stirs feelings of happiness and love. It strengthens the bond between two people and stimulates the production of hormones that causes you to be in a good mood. This is a great question because we all could use a little more happiness, love, and bonding right now.
While we are not anti-kissing, we do need to answer the question accurately and honestly. As a quick review, COVID-19 can be contracted if you’re within 6 feet of someone who has it when they cough, sneeze or breathe out. It is also spread through direct contact with saliva or mucus. Intimate activities that involve being physically close to someone, or coming into contact with their saliva—like kissing—can easily spread COVID-19. Sometimes people have COVID-19 and don’t show any symptoms, which makes it difficult to know—should I kiss him or not?
How can I connect with my partner if we’re social distancing?
Businesses are starting to slowly open again, but because of social distancing or your state-mandated guidelines, it may not be acceptable to go out on dates right now—unless those dates are over FaceTime or some other video chat app. You may be wondering how long your relationship can last if you should remain at least 6 feet apart. It’s time to find creative ways to connect, which can be challenging. Watch a movie or share a meal together over video chat. We know it’s not the same, but try to remember that this won’t last forever.
Many couples have successfully endured long-distance relationships, so there is hope for surviving the shorter distance of 6 feet.
Am I protected from COVID-19 if I’m practicing safe sex?
While scientists have found COVID-19 in semen, there is no final verdict on whether Coronavirus can spread from one person to another through semen or vaginal fluids.
Abstinence is the only 100% effective way to protect yourself from infections, including COVID-19, and to prevent unintended pregnancy. Not only does abstinence eliminate physical threats, but it also helps to eliminate the mental, emotional, and socioeconomic consequences of casual sexual activity.
While we always actively discourage “hooking up” there is now a greater risk of contracting COVID-19 or passing it on to others, which undermines public health efforts. A casual approach to sex always leaves a trail of emotional wounds and physical consequences.
If you are married and you both have no symptoms then you can continue having consensual sex as normal for your relationship.
You should never feel pressured to have sex or to share sexual content over the phone or the internet.
What if I think I’m pregnant right now?
The possibility of being pregnant always comes with a wide array of emotions, but especially now. You may feel anything from bursting with joy to overwhelmed with fear and anxiety.
If you think you might be pregnant, the best thing to do is take a pregnancy test. Yet, there may be legitimate reasons why you need to wait for the official results. It may be too soon to take an accurate test. Most tests indicate they are not accurate until a certain number of post-ovulation days. Or, it may not be easy for you to get to a drugstore right now. Maybe you have a child to take care of at home or you’re out of work and can’t afford it.
Maybe you don’t want to know the results—denial feels better. For some women, a positive test would be devastating, while for others, another negative result is a deferred dream.
If you are scared that you or your partner may have had COVID-19 when you conceived, take a deep breath. This is a new virus and we are still learning, but current evidence indicates the virus does cause problems with your baby’s development or cause miscarriage. The CDC says that mother-to-child transmission of COVID-19 during pregnancy is unlikely. You should seek the proper treatment and let your doctor know you are expecting.
At A Woman’s Place Medical Clinic, we understand the dynamics that accompany an unplanned pregnancy. If you would like to confidentially talk with someone who understands your situation and will offer you accurate information about abortion, parenting, and adoption, we’re here for you.
We are ready to listen to your unique and personal concerns and address any issues that you would like to discuss.
Will having an abortion help me feel less fear and anxiety?
Many times, abortion decisions are made quickly or without adequate information. It’s understandable if your fears about your pregnancy are heightened by the current pandemic.
Real-life stories demonstrate again and again that abortion harmfully affects women. The wounds come in a variety of forms—mental, emotional, relational, and physical. Combatting a tragedy with another tragedy is never the answer.
It is a misconception that abortion will relieve your fears, anxiety, or sadness. Women are often shocked to learn that aborting their baby may cause intense feelings of grief and loss. Abortion is a type of pregnancy loss. It’s normal to grieve or feel deep regret.
If you’re considering an abortion, find a safe place to share your feelings. If you are experiencing unwanted emotions associated with your pregnancy, contact A Woman’s Place Medical Clinic. We are currently offering limited medical services, including telehealth, and we can help you. We provide the resources and support you need as you walk through your decisions.
You are not alone. Schedule a confidential telehealth consultation with us today.
The information in this article is accurate as of the time of its release. However, as the situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve, it's possible that some data has changed since publication. While A Woman’s Place Medical Clinic is trying to keep our information as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage you to stay informed on news and recommendations for your own communities by using the CDC, WHO, and your local public health department as resources.