By Valerie Schumacher, RN, CHC

When seeking medical treatment for any condition, you need to be educated and informed to make the best decision for yourself. There is much thought and consideration that should go into every medical procedure or medication you put into your body.

  • How urgent is this decision?
  • What are the procedure options and the medication options available?
  • How successful are the options?
  • If a treatment/procedure fails, what are the next steps?
  • What are the risks or side effects from the procedure or medication?
  • Are there any alternatives (including waiting, doing nothing, or seeking other options)
  • What tests should be done first?
  • What are the costs associated with the procedure or medication, including the follow up appointment?

“The Abortion Pill” is a drug named Mifeprex. In 2016 it was approved by the FDA to be used with another drug misoprostol, to end a pregnancy through 70 days gestation. This means you do have some time to slow down, take a deep breath, and think through the options that are available to you. These medications can be given over a 2-3 day period, with a follow up to confirm the procedure was complete and to verify there are no complications developing. A few of the main risks include bleeding, infections, sepsis, failed abortion, undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy, and the unknown long term physical or psychological effects.1 It is in your best interest and considered best practice to verify the pregnancy, including the location of the embryo. An Ultrasound needs to be performed to gain this vital information.

At A Woman’s Place Medical Clinic, we have medical professionals on staff at all locations around the Tampa Bay Area. You may meet with a Registered Nurse or another well-trained staff member to help you find the answers to all your important questions. We offer free medical grade pregnancy testing, along with Ultrasounds, at no cost to you. A Registered Nurse or a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer will guide you through the ultrasound process.  We do not benefit financially in any way by your decision. We are here to help you understand the physical and emotional risks associated with a medical or surgical abortion.

1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2016, March 30). Full prescribing information Mifeprex (mifepristone); Warning & Precautions. Retrieved from