Entries for 'A Womans Place Medical Clinic'

Navigating the Mental Health Impact of Abortion in Tarpon Springs: What You Need to Know At A Woman's Place Medical Clinic in Tampa Bay, we understand that women face complex decisions regarding their reproductive health. One crucial aspect that is not often discussed is the mental health imp...
Posted in: Tarpon Springs
Navigating the Mental Health Impact of Abortion in North Tampa: What You Need to Know At A Woman's Place Medical Clinic in Tampa Bay, we understand that women face complex decisions regarding their reproductive health. One crucial aspect that is not often discussed is the mental health implic...
Posted in: North Tampa
Plan b in north tampa - get answers to your questions   When it comes to emergency contraception, there is a great deal of conflicting and confusing information out there. Unprotected sex happens for many reasons. Condoms break, birth control pills get forgotten, things go further than pl...
Posted in: North Tampa
Plan b in pinellas park - get answers to your questions   When it comes to emergency contraception, there is a great deal of conflicting and confusing information out there. Unprotected sex happens for many reasons. Condoms break, birth control pills get forgotten, things go further than ...
Posted in: Pinellas Park
Plan B in town 'n' country - get answers to your questions   When it comes to emergency contraception, there is a great deal of conflicting and confusing information out there. Unprotected sex happens for many reasons. Condoms break, birth control pills get forgotten, things go fu...
Posted in: Town 'N' Country
Plan B in Tarpon Springs — Get Answers to Your Questions When it comes to emergency contraception, there is a great deal of conflicting and confusing information out there. Unprotected sex happens for many reasons. Condoms break, birth control pills get forgotten, things go further than pla...
Posted in: Tarpon Springs
HPV- three little letters that can change a person's future.  By now, most people have heard of HPV. Your general knowledge of this viral infection probably comes from television commercials or conversations with friends. But do you know what it is, how it is contracted, and its impact o...
With the exception of skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in American women. Approximately 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime(1). This is an overwhelming statistic, and given that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s the per...
Posted in: Relationships
Roe vs. Wade: Understanding the Decision and What it Means for You
There is no doubt that women’s health is a hot topic right now. You can’t escape the conversation, whether it's on TV, social media, or just with your friends. But the problem is that there is so much “noise” it may be hard to separate the facts from what is being sensati...
You just took a home pregnancy test, and it’s positive. Now what? You may have a million thoughts running through your head about your next steps, your options, and where to turn for guidance. We’re here to give you answers.  You may not realize this, but the first thing you need...
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